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Mail Marketing Basics

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One of the most effective marketing tools is direct mail. Grabbing people’s attention and making your brand memorable is not as easy as it used to be. Today, consumers are inundated with a plethora of advertisements and special offers. Direct mail has an advantage over other types of media because it is more personal and can involve the reader. Here are the who, what, when, where, and why of direct mail.
1. Who should you mail to?
Mail to your current customers. You can also buy lists of prospective customers and mail to them. Mail to anyone you think might use or could use your product or service.
2. What should you mail?
The great thing about direct mail is that you can send just about anything you want. Try to use a variety of mailing such as letters, postcards, brochures, and free samples.
3. When should you mail?
Send something to your customers whenever you can. Use mail to promote an upcoming event, sale, or new product line. Send postcards to loyal customers advertising your private sale. You can also send birthday and anniversary cards for a special touch.
4. Where do you send mail?
Again, send mail to all current and prospective customers. You should also consider sending your mailings to other businesses that might be able to use your products or services. If there is demand for your business in other states, consider branching out. You could send your mailings nationwide, or even internationally. Adjust accordingly as your business grows.
5. Why send mail?
Mail marketing is extremely effective when done right. Mail is addressed to a specific individual and can be customized to each person. When you send mail, you always get at least a brief moment of that person’s attention as they flip through their mail. Incorporate great design and copy to keep them reading and make the sale!

How to Create a Winning Mail List

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When it comes to building a mailing list, bigger is often better. Being in front of as many people as possible on a continuous and on-going basis will allow you to reap huge rewards. Do you remember the catch phrase, “if you build it, they will come?” Build your list, and you’ll see clients – and profits – come your way.

1. Put everyone on your mailing list – Everyone. Don’t even hesitate to think, “should I?” the answer is always YES!

If you’re not sure who “everyone” is, start with:
• Past clients
• Chamber of commerce members
• Trade association members
• Conference attendees
• Seminar attendees

Don’t forget the vendors you do business with. They certainly appreciate the fact that you spend money with them and are sure to acknowledge that they “owe” you a few favors. You use their services – could they use yours?

2. Use what you’ve already got –How many people walk into your office every day? Do they leave before you get their address and phone number? Don’t let that happen!

Anyone who comes into your office for a meeting, an office party, or any other reason will make a great addition to your mailing list. Think about it – they already know who you are, they have at least some interest in what you’re doing (or they wouldn’t be there), and you can easily get their business card or phone number while you’re on your home turf. Don’t pass up opportunities that walk right in through your front door.

3. Segment your list – Get more out of your mailings by dividing your master list into several smaller lists that will allow you to send specific, personalized messages to your contacts. You can send a “thank you for your business” card to your past clients on a regular basis; mail an “I enjoy our business relationship” piece to all of your vendor clients; or send a “first order discount” to prospective clients.

Don’t underestimate the value of a personal message that recognizes your contact as an individual – not just another name on your list.

4. Take a number – Think of a good client meeting like a good first date – you want to get their phone number, so you can turn that good start into a great relationship.

Putting phone numbers on your mailing list can increase the success of your mail campaign. Perhaps you should call all of your past clients to say “thank you” for their business and offer season’s greetings and holiday wishes. Or you might call some of the people you met at last month’s seminar to chat about the great presentations, and how you’ve been able to use what you learned to improve your services (which they might find beneficial…). With phone numbers and addresses on the same list, you can quickly mail a follow-up note as soon as you’ve made the call.

5. Mail monthly, call quarterly, or more often – Many companies will take the time to build a killer mail list, but then mail on an inconsistent basis, or not mail at all! Direct mail is the most time- and cost-efficient means of keeping in touch with your prospects and clients. You can be in their hands every month for just a few dollars per year. When you figure the lifetime and referral value of a client, those few dollars can return huge profits!

Direct mail, when executed consistently, works wonders for any business. Just don’t forget to make personal contact with your prospects and clients. Most people procrastinate so long that eventually they don’t make the calls at all. To keep current with your contacts, set aside a few minutes every day to make 5-10 calls from your prospect list (don’t try to call all your prospects at one time – you’ll find yourself feeling very overwhelmed!).

If you’ve read through each of these steps and you’re still asking yourself more questions than you know the answers to, Mail Print can help. Leave comments, asking questions or feel free to call us directly.