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6 Keys to Successful Database Marketing

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Database marketing is a powerful tool for any business.  Retailers and restaurants can use databases to attract more customers to their stores.  Service businesses can bring in more clients.  Perhaps the most powerful aspect of database marketing is its ability to keep current customers and draw in customers who are similar to your established client base. 

The Prospect

 You need to find the people most likely to respond to your marketing.  Your best mailing list is automatically your current customers.  They are more likely than anyone to respond because they already know and like your business. 

 Your customer list is also useful because you can use it to identify key characteristics of your client base.  Knowing this information, you can buy lists of people with shared characteristics.  They will be more likely than the average person to be interested in your service.

 The Offer

 Your promotion will only be successful if your offer is something the recipients want or need.  Think from their perspective.  Don’t try to change their habits.  Often the best offers involve a company’s most popular items or services.  You want a high response rate.  Don’t worry about ticket price or what specific goods or services are purchased.  As long as people are responding, your offer is successful. 

 You don’t need as strong an offer to get responses from your current customers as you do for new ones.  Current clients are much more easily convinced to reply.

 The time limit of your offer is also important.  It should last for a few weeks.  If it’s too short, people will miss the period.  But don’t make it too long, either, because then you lose the sense of urgency that you want the offer to create. 

 The Special Event

 Special events are a great way to pull in business.  You can use any holiday, even obscure ones like Secretary’s Day or your clients’ individual birthdays and anniversaries.  Birthdays work very well because they are personal, and it shows the customer that you value their patronage. 

 Any excuse to promote something new is a viable reason to have a special event.  Use any excuse to let your customers know that you would like to see them again.

 The Vehicle

The form in which your message comes can greatly influence its results.  Direct mail is the best choice for database marketing.  And quality four-color postcards are usually a good choice because of their low cost. 

 Make sure your message is clear and to-the-point.  Don’t expect your clients to work hard, or at all, to understand your message – they won’t.  And make the message appeal to the client’s point of view.  Remember that clients are thinking “what’s in it for me?”

 Internal Communication

 Your employees must know about your direct mail offers and special events.  Get your employees involved in the promotion, and give them recognition when a goal is reached.  The more involved your employees are in a promotion, the more likely it is to succeed.

 Tracking Results

 You must track the results of all your marketing efforts.  If you aren’t tracking, then you’re just walking blind.  And don’t just track costs.  Track the profits!  Marketing is all about ROI – Return on Investment.  Find out which efforts work and which don’t.  Then weed out the ineffective ones and keep at it with what works.  Continually try new things in addition to your proven strategies, and when you find something better, stick with it.

Don’t Stagnate and Lose Business: 3 Key Words to Successful Mail Lists

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Blog Listings

Maintain, Clean, Use!

No matter how good your mailing list is, it’s bound to change, and at times change quickly. That’s why regular maintenance is important. Lists that aren’t updated, changed and corrected can cost you valuable time and money in the long run:

  • Duplicate names can skew results.
  • Sales can be lost if mail reaches the wrong audience, or more importantly, doesn’t reach the right audience.
  • Type-os, misspellings and out-of-date information damages reputation.
  • Postage and printing costs are wasted with reprints due to incorrect addresses and duplicate names.

 Why the Top Businesses Clean Up

 A clean list is a successful list. And a clean list means correct addresses and names, accurate spelling, up-to-date and complete information, and no duplicate names. Test mailings should be done periodically to clean up your list. We recommend cleaning your list at least once a year. Contact your local post office for details on some of the services they offer to help clean mail lists. There are also programs you can purchase that will help you merge and purge codes to clean your list, or you can contact a mailing list company. Online editing is available with Mail Print.

 You’ve Got to Use it or Lose It: The Power of Marketing

 Develop a list early and use it. It’s the best way to stay in touch with past and future clients and get your name where it should be – in front of them and top-of-mind. Regular maintenance and cleaning should become a routine just like any other business practice aimed at ensuring your prosperous financial future. Your success depends on it.

 Direct mail provides a pinpoint effect by delivering only to your target prospects on your mail list. You only pay to reach those you wish to reach. With direct mail you are also able to convey a more personal, higher quality message than with mass media.

The Very Best Marketing Service Money Can Buy

 Use these mail list guidelines to bolster your mailing efforts. Be sure to track your results and to adjust your marketing plan accordingly. If your analysis leads you to direct mail, consider Mail Print. We offer complete, in-house service including copywriting, design, printing, mailing and mailing lists to target your audience with precision. Your Business. Our Expertise. Your Success. Experience the difference and call Mail Print today.